Can YOU go the distance? YES! (Part 3 of 3)
If your goal is to MOVE and FINISH, utilize a regimented program found on an app (suggestions in Part 1 of this blog series) or make sure to search the internet. There are lots of free program schedules available. Remember you may want to look for one that encourages an 8-12 week training regime. Even though this is a safe program to get folks off the couch and running as you begin increasing your mileage, the body is going to need some time to adjust.
It takes time for the ligaments, bones, cartilage, and muscles to adapt to the constant, repetitive stress placed on it while running. This means you may feel muscle and joint aches. It may take a couple of weeks for your muscles and joints to start adjusting to the new pounding, but it will happen. However, these are reasons to stop or slow down your training regime.
Sharp pain
Increasing pain from workout to workout
You are so sore after a workout you cannot do the next one.

Just as a reminder, performing a mobility and strengthening program along with your Couch to 5K program can assist with keeping you out of pain and encourage good form.
When running it is key to have good form to prevent injury, conserve energy and propel forward. Here are some quick tips.
- Look forward.
- Relax your shoulders, arms, and hands.
- Stand tall and think about your posture. This helps keep your core tight.
- Try to keep your arms from crossing your body as they swing. This will keep you from having excessive trunk rotation.
- When you land on your foot, it should be under your hips or slightly in front of you. This will prevent you from overstriding.

At PRO Physical Therapy our therapists want to help you MOVE and reach your goals safely. We can educate you on proper dynamic warm-ups, mobility programs, and strength training to reach any of your fitness goals. We love to see patients preventively and not after they are injured. We are happy to help you meet any of your fitness goals. Call PRO to get your appointment scheduled so you can FINISH!
Stay fit, motivated, and challenged!
Scan our QR Code with your phone to visit PRO Physical Therapy Website!
You can also click on our website link:
302 US HWY 68 West
Benton KY 42082
Schedule Your Consultation at PRO Physical Therapy
Are you ready to end your muscle or joint pain? PRO Physical Therapy can help you get started today. To find out more about direct access and our physical therapy services in Marshall County, Kentucky, call 270-252-7600 and schedule an initial evaluation and our experienced insurance can verify your insurance coverage.
Stay fit, motivated, and challenged!
Scan our QR Code with your phone to visit PRO Physical Therapy Website!
You can also click on our website link:
302 US HWY 68 West
Benton KY 42082
Schedule Your Consultation at PRO Physical Therapy
Are you ready to end your muscle or joint pain? PRO Physical Therapy can help you get started today. To find out more about direct access and our physical therapy services in Marshall County, Kentucky, call 270-252-7600 and schedule an initial evaluation and our experienced insurance can verify your insurance coverage.
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