Hip Strength and Balance (Part 1 of 2)

Do you have frequent losses of balance or falls? Have you noticed the difficulty with walking on uneven surfaces? Falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide. There are over 37 million falls per year that are severe enough to result in the need for medical attention. One of the most common contributing factors to poor balance is hip weakness.


The muscles of the hip that primarily contribute to our balance include the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and gluteus maximus. When we lose our balance our first reaction should come from the ankles and hips, however if the hip muscles are weak, they may not be able to overcome that loss of balance. If they are unable to do so; our center of gravity continues forward, backward, or laterally and this leads to a fall.

The gluteus maximus muscle is used when we lose our balance forward and helps to bring our hips back underneath us to a stable and upright position. The gluteus medius and minimus are used when we have a loss of balance to the side and are used to bring hips back under the body to prevent a fall. These muscles are important as they are used with activities such as walking, stepping up on a step, getting in and out of your vehicle along with stepping over toys from your grandchildren or pets. Ensuring these muscles are strong allows for the ability to complete those tasks in a safe manner.

Now that we have discussed the importance of these muscles, we are going to discuss basic exercises to target each muscle group that are proper for all ages. We will include ways to make these exercises more difficult if needed.

Side Lying Hip Abduction

While lying on your side keep the top leg straight and lift forward towards the ceiling while keeping your toes pointed forward.

To increase difficulty a resistance band can be added around the knees. 


Lying on your back with knees bent, squeeze your buttocks and lift your bottom off the floor/bed.

This exercise can be made more difficult by performing with one leg. 

Wall Squat

Standing, lean against the wall or door, place feet about shoulder width apart, and slide down the wall, close to a seated position and then return into a standing position.

Ensure your knees do not go in front of your feet with this motion.

Step Ups

Step up with one leg onto step, raise the other leg up towards your chest. If needed, you can use your hands to help stabilize by holding onto counter or rail.

This can be made more difficult by increasing your speed, holding dumbbells in your hands or stepping up onto a higher step. 

Lateral Step Ups

Stand to the side of a step and step up with the leg closest to the step, each leg will then touch the surface and then return to the floor. If needed use a counter or rail for support.

This can be made more difficult by increasing your speed, holding dumbbells in your hands or stepping up onto a higher step.

At PRO Physical Therapy we want you to stay safe and know the importance that hip stability plays in balance. If you have any questions or need to address your hip strength or balance, give us a call at 270-252-7600, we would be happy to help! Stay tuned for part 2 of this blog where we discuss the importance of these same muscles in the athletic population.

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302 US HWY 68 West

Benton KY 42082 

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Are you ready to end your muscle or joint pain? PRO Physical Therapy can help you get started today. To find out more about direct access and our physical therapy services in Marshall County, Kentucky, call 270-252-7600 and schedule an initial evaluation and our experienced insurance can verify your insurance coverage.

Stay fit, motivated, and challenged!   

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302 US HWY 68 West

Benton KY 42082 

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Are you ready to end your muscle or joint pain? PRO Physical Therapy can help you get started today. To find out more about direct access and our physical therapy services in Marshall County, Kentucky, call 270-252-7600 and schedule an initial evaluation and our experienced insurance can verify your insurance coverage.